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Washington University in St. Louis Center for Robotcs and Automation Center for Robotics &
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Electrical and Systems Engineering

Publications Since 2006

Journal Papers

  1. Re Bing Wu, Tzyh-Jong Tarn, and Chun-Wen Li, "Smooth Controllability of Infinite-dimensional Quantum-mechanical Systems," Physical Review A, Vol. 73, No. 1, pp.012719-1 to 012719-11, January 2006.
  2. J. Zhang, C.W. Li, J.W. Wu, R.B. Wu, and T.J. Tarn, "Quasi-multipartite Entanglement Measure Based on Quadratic Functions," Physical Review A, Vol.73, No. 2, pp. 022319-1 to 022319-10, February 2006.
  3. M.J. Zhang, W.M. Tao, William Fisher, and T.J. Tarn, "An Industrial Solution to Automatic Robot Calibration and Workpiece Pose Estimation for Semiconductor and Gene-chip Microarray Fabrication," Industrial Robot: An International Journal, Vol. 33, No. 2, pp. 88 to 96, 2006.
  4. M.J. Zhang, Maggie X. Cheng, and T.J. Tarn, "A Mathematical Formulation of DNA Computation," IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, Vol.5, No.1, pp.32 to 40, March 2006
  5. J.W. Wu, C.W. Li, R.B. Wu, T.J. Tarn, and J Zhang, "Quantum Control by Decomposition of SU(1,1)," Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, Vol. 39, pp. 13531 to 13551, 2006.
  6. M.J. Zhang, K.X. Mao, W.M. Tao and T.J. Tarn, "A Computational Method to Geometric Measure of Biological Particles and Application to DNA Microarray Spot Size Estimation," Med. Biol. Eng. Computing, Vol. 44, pp. 275 to 279, 2006
  7. J. Zhang, R.B. Wu, C.W. Li, T.J. Tarn and J.W. Wu, "Asymptotically Noise Decoupling for Markovian Open Quantum Systems," Physical Review A, Vol. 75, 2007. pp.022324-1 to 11.
  8. Narayan Ganesan and T.J. Tarn, "De-coherence Control in Open Quantum Systems via Classical Feedback," Physical Review A, Vol. 75, 2007. pp. 032323-1 to 19.
  9. J Zhang, C.W. Li, T.J.Tarn, and J.W. Wu, "Analytically Solvable Two-qubit Entanglement Monotone," Physical Review A, Vol. 76, 2007. pp.032306-1 to 9.(10)
  10. Jiang Min, Zhang Zeng-Ke, Dong Dao-yi, Liu Bin, and T.J.Tarn, "The Improved Quantum Switching Mechanism Based on Contention," Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Accepted for publication, a prepublication electronic copy appeared on the journal¡¯s Web site.
  11. J. W. Wu, C. W. Li, T. J. Tarn, and J. Zhang, "Optimal Bang-Bang Control for SU(1,1) Coherent States," Physical Review A, Vol. 76, 2007, pp.053403-1 to 7.

Referenced Conference Proceedings

  1. M.J. Zhang, M.X. Cheng, and T.J. Tarn, "Genetic Code Based Coding and Mathematical Formulation for DNA Computation," Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp.3630 to 3635, Orlando, Florida, May 2006.
  2. R.T. Yang, M.J. Zhang, and T.J. Tarn, "Dynamic Modeling and Control of a Micro-needle Integrated Piezoelectric Micro-pump for Diabetes Care," Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE Sixth Conference on Nanotechnology, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 2006
  3. N. Ganesan and T.J. Tarn, "Feedback Control of Decoherence: Systems Theoretical Approach," Proceedings of the 25th Chinese Control Conference, pp.1 to 3, Harbin, China, August 2006.
  4. T. J. Tarn and N. Ganesan, " Feedback Control of Decoherence in Quantum Mechanical Systems," Proceedings of the SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference, pp.1844 to 1847, Busan, Korea, October 2006.
  5. T.J. Tarn and N. Ganesan, "Control of Quantum Systems," Proceedings of the IARP Workshop on Micro and Nano Robotics, Paris, France, October 2006.
  6. Narayan Ganesan and T.J.Tarn, "Quantum Internal Model Principle and Enhanced Disturbance Decoupling," Proceedings of the 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, New Orleans, LA, USA, Dec. 2007, pp.6358-6364.
  7. T. J. Tarn and Narayan Ganesan, "Quantum Computing and Information Acquisition," Proceedings of the 2007 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science, Nagoya, Japan, November 11-14, 2007, pp525-531.
  8. Ruoting Yang, Mingjun Zhang and T. J. Tarn, "Adaptive backstepping Control of a Micro-needle Micro-Pump Integrated Insulin Delivery System for Diabetes Care." Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Nanotechnology, Hong Kong, China, August 2-5, 2007. pp. 448-453.
  9. Ruoting Yang, M. Zhang, and T.J. Tarn, "Control Mechanisms for Life Science Automation," in Life Science Automation: Fundamentals and Applications. Editors: Mingjun Zhang, Bradley Nelson and Robin A. Felder, Artech House Publishers , 2007,pp. 153-196.

Book Chapters

  1. N. Ganesan, T. J. Tarn, "Disturbance Decoupling for Open Quantum Systems: Quantum Internal Model Principle", in Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems, In Honor of Alberto Isidori, pp. 355 to 376. XXVIII, Editors: Astolfi, Alessandro; Marconi, Lorenzo, 2008.
  2. M. Jiang, Z.K. Zhang, and T.J. Tarn, "Quantum Network Optimization Based on the Use of Relaxing Qubits," in Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 4114,pp.838 to 843. Editors: D.S. Huang, K. Li, and G.W. Irwin, Springer-Verlag, 2006.
  3. M. Zhang, M. X. Cheng, and T.J. Tarn, "Genetic Code Based DNA Computation for Combinatorial Optimization," in Combinatorial Optimization in Communication Networks, pp. 639 to 657. Editors: M. Cheng, Y. S. Li, and D. Z. Du, Springer, 2006.
  4. Tzyh Jong Tarn, Shan Ben Chen, and Changjiu Zhou, Robotic Welding, Intelligence and Automation. Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Vol. 362, Springer-Verlag, 2007.

Click here for list of publications since 1995.

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