- "Singular Optimal Control in Linear Discrete Systems," S.K. Rao, D.Sc. Degree awarded January 1971.
- "Controllability of Single-Input Discrete Bilinear Systems," T. Goka, D.Sc. Degree awarded January 1972.
- "Observability and Observers for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems," S.R. Kou, D.Sc. Degree awarded June 1973.
- "Optimal Control of Single-Input Discrete Bilinear Systems," K.N. Swamy, D.Sc. Degree awarded September 1973.
- "Controllability of Discrete and Continuous-Time Bilinear Systems," G.S. Cheng, D.Sc. Degree awarded June 1974.
- "Optimal Stabilization Policy Under Price Controls: An Application of Optimal Control Techniques of Economic Policy Analysis," S.K. Gupta, D.Sc. Degree awarded December 1974.
- "Stochastic Observers for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems," Y. Rasis, D.Sc. Degree awarded December 1974.
- "Approachability of a Macroeconomics Model," Mike J. O’Brien, D.Sc. Degree awarded August 1976.
- "Algebraic Aspects of Discrete-Time Bilinear Systems and Polynomial Systems," Shigeki Nonoyama, D.Sc. Degree awarded December 1976.
- "Realization of Discrete-Time Systems: Two-Dimensional Time Bilinear Systems and One-Dimensional Time Polynomial Systems," Lok Oei, D.Sc. Degree awarded December 1977
- "State Controllability and Observability for Linear Neutral Systems," Daniel A. O’Connor, D.Sc. Degree awarded December 1978.
- "Differential Dynamics in General Equilibrium Theory," Donald C. Kennan, D.Sc. Degree awarded December 1978.
- "Simultaneous Quantum Mechanical Observations and Nonlinear Quantum Stochastic Filter," Dragoslav Ilic, D.Sc. Degree awarded December 1978.
- "Label-Space Representation and Topological Aspects of Nonlinear Systems," Renjeng Su, D.Sc. Degree awarded August 1980.
- "Control of Quantum Systems," Garng M. Huang, D.Sc. Degree awarded August 1980.
- "Realization and Feedback Stabilization of Linear Neutral Systems," Mark William Spong, D.Sc. Degree awarded May 1981.
- "Linear Functional Differential Equations and Control and Estimation Problems," Kazufumi Ito, D.Sc. Degree Awarded August 1981.
- "Quantum Nondemolition Filtering," C.K. Ong, D.Sc. Degree awarded May, 1982.
- "Stabilization of Infinite-Dimensional Systems Via Periodic Output Feedback," John Zavgren, D.Sc. Degree awarded August 1982.
- "Nonlinear Feedback and Computer Control of Robot Arms," Yilong Chen, D.Sc. Degree awarded December 1984.
- "Feedback Synthesis of Singular Systems: A Geometric Approach," Zheng Zhou, D.Sc. Degree Awarded December 1984.
- "On Linearization and Decoupling Problems of Nonlinear Systems," Daizhan Cheng, D.Sc. Degree Awarded August 1985.
- "Identifiability of Nonlinear Systems," Emrullah Turhan Tunali, D.Sc. Degree Awarded August 1985.
- "Sampled Output Feedback Stabilization of Infinite-Dimensional Systems," Xiaoming Zeng, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, August 1985.
- "Coordinated Control of Two Robot Arms by Nonlinear Feedback," Xiaoping Yun, D.Sc. Degree Awarded August 1987.
- "Optimal Periodic Output Feedback Control," Gregory L. Hyslop, D.Sc. Degree Awarded August 1989.
- "Kinematic and Dynamic Motion Space Analysis and Robot Motion Planning," Zuofeng Li, D.Sc. Degree Awarded December 1989.
- "An Analytic Study of General Dynamic Model and Nonlinear Feedback Control of Flexible Robot Arms," Xuru Ding, D.Sc. Degree Awarded December 1989.
- "Stabilization and Simultaneous Stabilization of Infinite-Dimensional Systems by Periodic Output Feedback," Tongzeng Yang, D.Sc. Degree Awarded December 1989.
- "Non-interacting Control with Stability for Nonlinear Systems," Wei Zhan, D.Sc. Degree Awarded May 1991
- "Discrete-time Nonlinear Feedback Method of Robot Arm Control," Sugato Ganguly, D.Sc. Degree Awarded May 1991.
- "Task-level Control of Multi-arm Robotic Systems," Arvind Ramadorai, D.Sc. Degree Awarded August 1992.
- "Sensor Referenced Event Based Control of Stable Phase Transitions to Constrained Manipulators Motion," Gabor Marth, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, August 1993.
- "Event-Based Motion Planning and Control for Robotic Systems," Ning Xi, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, August 1993.
- "Closed Form Optimal Synthesis and General Analysis of Manipulator Trajectories for Real-Time Control," Prasanta K. De, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, August 1994.
- "Flexible Robot Control with Periodic Feedback and Sampled Output," Chuanfan Guo, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, December 1994.
- "H-Infinity Control of Nonlinear Systems with Sampling Measurement," Sadanori Suzuki, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, December 1994.
- "Force Regulation and Contact Transition Control," YunYing Wu, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, December 1995.
- "Dynamics and Control of An Underwater Robotic Vehicle with an N-Axis Manipulator," Greg Allan Shoults, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, December 1996.
- "Dynamic Modelling and Control of Underwater Vehicle with Multi-Manipulator System," Shiaw-Pyng Yang, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, August 1997.
- "Time-Delayed Control of Telerobotic Manipulators," Kevin Brady, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, August 1997.
- "Integration of Task Scheduling, Sensing, Planning, and Control in a Robotic Manufacturing Work-cell," Mumin Song, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, December 1997.
- "Nonlinear MIMO Control Systems: Normal Forms, L2 Disturbance Attenuation and Performance Bounds," Ben Schwartz, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, December 1997.
- "Human-Machine Cooperative Control of Telerobotic Systems," Sicong Li, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, December 1999.
- "Integrability Conditions and Hybrid Control for a Class of Second Order Nonholonomic Systems: Underactuated Mechanical Systems," Mingjun Zhang, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, May 2000.
- "Stability and Performance Analysis of Hybrid Manufacturing Systems," Raja Mitra, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, May 2000.
- "Optimal Communication Strategies for Robotic Networks," Joseph T. Napoli, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, May 2001.
- "Global Output Regulation and Semiglobal Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems," Peerayot Sanposh, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, May 2001.
- "Hierarchical Formation Control for a Multi-robot Team," Tien-Sung Chio, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, December 2002.
- "Computational and Control Aspects of Quantum Holonomy," Dennis Lucarelli, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, December 2002.
- "Controllability of Time-dependent Quantum Control Systems," C.H. Lan, December 2003.
- "Control of De-coherence in Open Quantum Systems Using Feedback" Narayan Ganesan, December 2006.