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Washington University in St. Louis Center for Robotcs and Automation Center for Robotics &
Cupples II, Rm 6.
Tel: (314) 935-4798
Electrical and Systems Engineering


  1. "Singular Optimal Control in Linear Discrete Systems," S.K. Rao, D.Sc. Degree awarded January 1971.
  2. "Controllability of Single-Input Discrete Bilinear Systems," T. Goka, D.Sc. Degree awarded January 1972.
  3. "Observability and Observers for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems," S.R. Kou, D.Sc. Degree awarded June 1973.
  4. "Optimal Control of Single-Input Discrete Bilinear Systems," K.N. Swamy, D.Sc. Degree awarded September 1973.
  5. "Controllability of Discrete and Continuous-Time Bilinear Systems," G.S. Cheng, D.Sc. Degree awarded June 1974.
  6. "Optimal Stabilization Policy Under Price Controls: An Application of Optimal Control Techniques of Economic Policy Analysis," S.K. Gupta, D.Sc. Degree awarded December 1974.
  7. "Stochastic Observers for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems," Y. Rasis, D.Sc. Degree awarded December 1974.
  8. "Approachability of a Macroeconomics Model," Mike J. O’Brien, D.Sc. Degree awarded August 1976.
  9. "Algebraic Aspects of Discrete-Time Bilinear Systems and Polynomial Systems," Shigeki Nonoyama, D.Sc. Degree awarded December 1976.
  10. "Realization of Discrete-Time Systems: Two-Dimensional Time Bilinear Systems and One-Dimensional Time Polynomial Systems," Lok Oei, D.Sc. Degree awarded December 1977
  11. "State Controllability and Observability for Linear Neutral Systems," Daniel A. O’Connor, D.Sc. Degree awarded December 1978.
  12. "Differential Dynamics in General Equilibrium Theory," Donald C. Kennan, D.Sc. Degree awarded December 1978.
  13. "Simultaneous Quantum Mechanical Observations and Nonlinear Quantum Stochastic Filter," Dragoslav Ilic, D.Sc. Degree awarded December 1978.
  14. "Label-Space Representation and Topological Aspects of Nonlinear Systems," Renjeng Su, D.Sc. Degree awarded August 1980.
  15. "Control of Quantum Systems," Garng M. Huang, D.Sc. Degree awarded August 1980.
  16. "Realization and Feedback Stabilization of Linear Neutral Systems," Mark William Spong, D.Sc. Degree awarded May 1981.
  17. "Linear Functional Differential Equations and Control and Estimation Problems," Kazufumi Ito, D.Sc. Degree Awarded August 1981.
  18. "Quantum Nondemolition Filtering," C.K. Ong, D.Sc. Degree awarded May, 1982.
  19. "Stabilization of Infinite-Dimensional Systems Via Periodic Output Feedback," John Zavgren, D.Sc. Degree awarded August 1982.
  20. "Nonlinear Feedback and Computer Control of Robot Arms," Yilong Chen, D.Sc. Degree awarded December 1984.
  21. "Feedback Synthesis of Singular Systems: A Geometric Approach," Zheng Zhou, D.Sc. Degree Awarded December 1984.
  22. "On Linearization and Decoupling Problems of Nonlinear Systems," Daizhan Cheng, D.Sc. Degree Awarded August 1985.
  23. "Identifiability of Nonlinear Systems," Emrullah Turhan Tunali, D.Sc. Degree Awarded August 1985.
  24. "Sampled Output Feedback Stabilization of Infinite-Dimensional Systems," Xiaoming Zeng, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, August 1985.
  25. "Coordinated Control of Two Robot Arms by Nonlinear Feedback," Xiaoping Yun, D.Sc. Degree Awarded August 1987.
  26. "Optimal Periodic Output Feedback Control," Gregory L. Hyslop, D.Sc. Degree Awarded August 1989.
  27. "Kinematic and Dynamic Motion Space Analysis and Robot Motion Planning," Zuofeng Li, D.Sc. Degree Awarded December 1989.
  28. "An Analytic Study of General Dynamic Model and Nonlinear Feedback Control of Flexible Robot Arms," Xuru Ding, D.Sc. Degree Awarded December 1989.
  29. "Stabilization and Simultaneous Stabilization of Infinite-Dimensional Systems by Periodic Output Feedback," Tongzeng Yang, D.Sc. Degree Awarded December 1989.
  30. "Non-interacting Control with Stability for Nonlinear Systems," Wei Zhan, D.Sc. Degree Awarded May 1991
  31. "Discrete-time Nonlinear Feedback Method of Robot Arm Control," Sugato Ganguly, D.Sc. Degree Awarded May 1991.
  32. "Task-level Control of Multi-arm Robotic Systems," Arvind Ramadorai, D.Sc. Degree Awarded August 1992.
  33. "Sensor Referenced Event Based Control of Stable Phase Transitions to Constrained Manipulators Motion," Gabor Marth, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, August 1993.
  34. "Event-Based Motion Planning and Control for Robotic Systems," Ning Xi, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, August 1993.
  35. "Closed Form Optimal Synthesis and General Analysis of Manipulator Trajectories for Real-Time Control," Prasanta K. De, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, August 1994.
  36. "Flexible Robot Control with Periodic Feedback and Sampled Output," Chuanfan Guo, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, December 1994.
  37. "H-Infinity Control of Nonlinear Systems with Sampling Measurement," Sadanori Suzuki, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, December 1994.
  38. "Force Regulation and Contact Transition Control," YunYing Wu, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, December 1995.
  39. "Dynamics and Control of An Underwater Robotic Vehicle with an N-Axis Manipulator," Greg Allan Shoults, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, December 1996.
  40. "Dynamic Modelling and Control of Underwater Vehicle with Multi-Manipulator System," Shiaw-Pyng Yang, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, August 1997.
  41. "Time-Delayed Control of Telerobotic Manipulators," Kevin Brady, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, August 1997.
  42. "Integration of Task Scheduling, Sensing, Planning, and Control in a Robotic Manufacturing Work-cell," Mumin Song, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, December 1997.
  43. "Nonlinear MIMO Control Systems: Normal Forms, L2 Disturbance Attenuation and Performance Bounds," Ben Schwartz, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, December 1997.
  44. "Human-Machine Cooperative Control of Telerobotic Systems," Sicong Li, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, December 1999.
  45. "Integrability Conditions and Hybrid Control for a Class of Second Order Nonholonomic Systems: Underactuated Mechanical Systems," Mingjun Zhang, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, May 2000.
  46. "Stability and Performance Analysis of Hybrid Manufacturing Systems," Raja Mitra, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, May 2000.
  47. "Optimal Communication Strategies for Robotic Networks," Joseph T. Napoli, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, May 2001.
  48. "Global Output Regulation and Semiglobal Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems," Peerayot Sanposh, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, May 2001.
  49. "Hierarchical Formation Control for a Multi-robot Team," Tien-Sung Chio, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, December 2002.
  50. "Computational and Control Aspects of Quantum Holonomy," Dennis Lucarelli, D.Sc. Degree Awarded, December 2002.
  51. "Controllability of Time-dependent Quantum Control Systems," C.H. Lan, December 2003.
  52. "Control of De-coherence in Open Quantum Systems Using Feedback" Narayan Ganesan, December 2006.
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